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  • My Python Coding Habits #2: Using `if __name__ == '__main__'`

    Welcome back to my Python coding habits series! This is the second post in of the series, you can reach all the posts from this series from the #python-habits tag. In this post, I want to talk about one of the most common and essential idioms in Python: the if...
  • Why I Chose GitHub Pages for My Blog

    When I decided to start writing a blog, I wanted a platform that felt natural for a programmer to use. That’s why I chose GitHub Pages. As a developer, I already use GitHub every day to manage and share code, so hosting my blog there makes perfect sense. The Power...
  • My Python Coding Habits #1: Shebang

    I’ve always been drawn to Python for many of the reasons that most developers love it: it’s easy to read, versatile, and widely used for everything from web development to data science. Python’s simplicity and clarity allow me to focus more on solving problems rather than fighting with syntax. The...
  • I Extended the US Keyboard

    In Turkey, we use Q keyboard layout (mostly, let’s say, almost. Maybe I will write one day about Turkish F-keyboard layout too.) but with some extensions. In Turkish we have letters Ç, Ğ, Ş, Ö, Ü, İ/ı and in some letters, the usage of the derivated letters excel the ones...
  • How to Get the Public Wi-Fi Login Pages Faster

    TL;DR: Connect to one of these websites: HTTP Forever or Never SSL When you connect to a website that requires a login or demands secure interaction, such as logging into your bank account, you use the HTTPS protocol. Think of HTTPS like a security guard for your online activities. When...